Monday, July 5, 2010

Fire Crew and Things

Its been a long time since I've written, so I'll drink a Pabst Blue Ribbon and think. While there are a lot of things I should be doing this evening, such as laundry and showering, I will put them off for a little while longer. Last week was the first time since high school that I took a shower two days in a row. I'm proud off myself, I feel like a big kid. What prompted it was a fire, and 27 hours of overtime. My entire body was covered in ash. Work like this demands that I take showers more regularly. Even Van living isn't this dirty.

Work has been consuming me out here, as I work for about 14 days consecutively and only take 1 day off. The overtime is well worth it. We have been on fires, and project work (chainsaw duty) for a while now. Wyoming is finally starting to heat up. Fire season is here, and I am up for Teton crew, (basically twenty people from the Bridger Teton Forest that are likely to travel nation wide). Excited is all I can say.

I have had little time to fish. Its disappointing, but school tuition, loans, and NOLS payments are high priorities. I'm also putting a good deal of money away for a Subaru. After work is usually my best option for fishing. I did however get the chance to fish all of this weekend. I slayed some major Cutthroats. Many in the 12-14 category, and the biggest at 16-17 inches. It felt real good to catch some Wyoming trout, Have a beer, and just relax around the campfire with buddies. I feel much more confident on my fly fishing skills each time I go out now. I was able to catch fish out of almost every hole, in crystal clear water no less. Fluorocarbon. (it sinks)! I am steadily creeping up towards guide status. The unfortunate thing about these rivers is all the brush on the banks. Cutts love to hide under there, and flys get lost pretty quick. Anyway, I felt about as confident on these rivers as I do while Steelheading, it was a breath of fresh air

Still hard to believe I'm on this fire crew. Livin the dream.


  1. A few days ago ...

    Will: (having just heard about the fire)"Well, sounds like he's living the dream."

    Don: "Kinda ..."

    Will: "What do you mean, "kinda"? Because he's not jumping out of helicopters yet?"

  2. I do not remember saying that to Will,

    your Dad
